Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Madam magnesium deficiency causes joint pain

Magnesium is a component of mineral salts, a metallic chemical element, atomic number 12, which is the fourth most important natural minerals in the body. The 50% of the magnesium found in bone and 49% inside the cells, tissues and 1% in the blood. The body needs to 300 mg of magnesium daily.
The functions of magnesium
- Helps to relax the muscles surrounding the sewage vessels to facilitate the transmission of blood- A must for protein synthesis- A must in order to function of the nervous system naturally- A must to convert food into energy- Raises the chances of recovery after cardiac injury and prevents blood clots- Easy to pre-menstrual problems in women- Helps in maintaining the stability of pressure in patients with diabetes- Raise beneficial cholesterol in the blood and lowers LDL cholesterol
Magnesium deficiency
Lead to cramps in the nervous system, muscle tension, chills in the limbs, cramps in the throat, nervousness, stress, fatigue, pain in the joints
Excessive intake of magnesium
Lead to diarrhea, colic, poisoning
Sources of magnesium
Pumpkin seeds, bran cereals, sunflower seed, sesame, wheat, almonds, peanuts, nuts, milk, pumpkin, spinach, dried figs, okra, cheese, fish, dried apricots, dried peaches
The amount of magnesium necessary for the body every day for males (mg)Age by rda and usa0-6 months 407-12 month 601-3 80s4-6 years 1207 to 10 years 17011 to 14 year 24015 to 18 400 years

The amount of magnesium necessary for the body every day for females (mg)Age by rda and usa0-6 months 407-12 month 601-3 80s4-6 years 1207 to 10 years 17011 to 14 year 24015 to 18 years 300During menstruation, 355

Joint pain: Reason - Symptoms - Treatment

What is the cause of pain in the joints and how to diagnose the reason behind the appearance. How to deal with diseases that cause this pain. And any of the diseases characterized mainly women.
Family doctors hear many complaints about pain in the joints, especially in winter.Reasons for this are many and aches can be related to disease itself or in the joints of the disease is related to the joints. Go to the family doctor and physical examination, is the beginning of the road for treatment.
Which stems aches in the joints?Pain can cause disintegration of the operations of the joints, or from inflammatory processes in it.
The process of decay with time to cause rupture of the cartilage inside the joint, and as a result of the dissolution of the joint itself, sometimes gathering place of the liquid within the joint resulting in swelling Ghali.
Inflammatory arthritis: results due to transmission of inflammatory cells into the joint. Anth inflammation can be due to contamination with bacteria to enter the joint, which causes an inflammatory reaction, or it could be a reaction to other diseases.Pain not related to joints: every pain in the immediate vicinity of the joint can be extended for a detailed and cause pain in joints such as inflammation of the veins.The emergence of diseases that cause pain in the joints?* Awstartrozzs - arthropathy, and some call Awstartertas error (the word in English to indicate laities inflammation and error that the disease is not inflammatory). Which is the most common cause of joint pain.
Symptoms of the disease stems from the disintegration of the cartilage over the years which alter the shape of the joint and lead to pain and over time leads to the weakness in the work of the joint. Increased pain when doing movements such as walking, climbing stairs, with time produces bumps in the bones of the joint, called the arthropathy.
After strenuous activity, cartilage pain occurs at night. Sometimes result in swelling of the joint, and when we put hands on him while on the move we will be leaps. As the disease progresses, damage occurs in the movement of the joint axis. Injuries are the most common arthritis knees thighs, joints in the fingertips of the hands, base of the thumb in the palm of the hand, waist and neck joints. In the fingers of the hand results in time with bumps under the skin.
Treatment: In order to reduce the weight holder injury joints (knees and thighs), mitigation of desirable weight when there is extra weight. Regular physical activity, helps a lot (walking or swimming half an hour three times a week).
When there is pain, it can take a pill for pain killers, half an hour before activity.

To maintain muscle tension and keep the full movements of the joint.
After physical activity, if the pain appeared, you can put a hot compressor on the joint is painful, treatment depends on the basis of soothing aches. Is preferable to use drugs is not the kind NsAIDs that benefit when there is an inflammatory disease. Akmul or Jawlizin are preferred, primarily because of symptoms offending the Artovin, Mmeltran and Venksa: raise the mucosa of the stomach, kidney involvement, high blood pressure because of the drugs of new generation (Slcox, Arcoxar , Otvuon).When there is pain and possible serious injury in the movement of the joint, can be considered a process.Research has shown that there is a slight improvement ratio for use in continuous additions of food containing glucose.* Artretsi Aumti - inflammation of the articulated - affects connective tissue, where the body produces antioxidants against himself. In this case, antibiotics work against the membrane coating the inside of the joint.There is talk about a chronic disease will continue for years to see which is exacerbated by periods of illness and healing periods of time. Which affect the number of joints in parallel.* Women tend more to disease than men with the disease
Symptoms: pain cuffs cemented the hands, fingers, joints near the palm of the hand cemented, joints, knees, thighs, cemented the man (full). Join widespread the disease is a case of sclerosis in the morning: When you do sleep is difficult to move the joints for half an hour or more. Additional phenomenon existing in some of the patients: bumps under the skin.After several years can appear warp joints concrete and visible to the eye. In a blood test there are signs to help the diagnosis: a high proportion of anti Aumtayed named Victor, a prominent failure of blood. By imaging the joint inflamed. Damage can be seen in the bone surrounding the joint.Treatment: the evolution of the disease and includes anti-inflammatory drugs in simple cases, one of the family of NSAIDS - the most difficult in cases treated by Struaedm and additional drugs that weaken the immune system.* Zabt (Lopes) - Systemic lupus erythematosus - an autoimmune disease which affects the tissue interfaces. The majority of patients are women young women
Symptoms: With the exception of pain joints, also cause the appearance of rash in the form of a mattress in the face, pus in the mouth, faulty blood (anemia, low number of platelets, reduced the number of white blood cells), characterized by sensitive skin to the sun, infections of internal body such as inflammation of the membrane lung or heart , afflicted kidney, different psychological complaints (which comes as is apparent from the inflammation of small blood vessels. brain) and joints pain. Here, too, pain joints are parallel but do not cause time to time with constant distortion in the form of the joint.* In a blood test can be found by a private anti-high
Treatment: anti-inflammatory drugs in the family of NSAIDS - and additional drugs that paralyze the immune system.
Skruderma - Scleroderma - the disease often starts on the hands, joints pains. The disease affects membrane interfaces and express self-immune disease.Here also, the disease is very widespread in the center of women.Symptoms: After months of pain in the joints Asmk skin - one of the main symptoms of the disease.Also cause thickening of the skin to flatten the face and other parts of the body. In some of the patients, also get the internal organs of the body. Can be infected by the movement of esophagus as a result will be pain and discomfort at the time of eating.Can show calcifications on the surface of white fingers under the skin. In the period of exposure to cold, can change the color of the fingers of the white and blue and in difficult situations can also result in gangrene in fingertips and highlight the small blood vessels on the skin.Treatment: There are also anti-private can clarify in the blood test, so the treatment is for change and improvement in immune function.* Spondiltts Ankilozit - inflammation of paragraphs cramped - a disease in the membrane interface that affect young people have a genetic nature.Balawrak infection and inflammation of the thighs and buttocks are the most prevalent, the disease is a disease membrane interface with the immune system of self.Treatment: medication type of NSAIDS
* Gouty arthritis - caused by deposition of acids Orit inside the joint. Likely to affect one joint.
Symptoms: thumb in the palm of the man first affected (called Audh) other joints, which can get: ankle, hips and elbows.The injured are often a generation of men over 60. Widespread (but not always) find high rates of acid Orit blood. Sometimes there are afflicted kidney cause acid deposition Alaurit.Treatment of injuries in the difficult treatment includes medicines from the kind of NSAIDS and there is potential for the treatment of fixed prevent additional attacks, by drugs that reduce the proportion of Alaurit or by the colicin.Gonorrhea (Gonoraa) - a disease that is transferred by unsafe sexual relations.Often infected are young men.Symptoms: penile discharge, burning in urine canal, sometimes also include the joints and skin. Can be seen in the skin bulge: painful and swollen joints every time another detail becomes inflamed, and therefore also called mobile arthritis.Treatment: to give antibiotics.Rheumatic fever - after a sore throat caused by bacteria Stervtekut, and if not treated by antibiotics, can lead to fever Hijron.Symptoms: swelling, pain joints, the phenomena of membership, afflicted heart.Treatment: The most useful is the prevention of disease - completed treatment Balamadadh vital in bacterial sore throat.Various other inflammatory conditions can cause pain in the joints:* Zero in liver disease, Msorises (skin disease), inflammatory bowel disease, diseases of the additional tissue binding, and diseases such as rheumatoid Tlutah in the internal membrane of the heart (Andokurtisa)* Aches from diseases is articulated -
Polamhiljih Aumtich - or inflammation of the muscle fibers and chronic - the disease progresses over weeks to months.Symptoms: pain and stiffness of neck and shoulders or Balaurak. Pain especially difficult to do in the morning, and after running muscles. Mostly older people get older. Here, too, as is apparent system is linked to the immune system of self-injury and arteries are not joints. Occasionally, the disease accompanied by a sense of weakness, low temperature, loss of weight. No weakness arteries but only the presence of pain. In the blood test reveals the deposition of the blood is very clear.Treatment: Strodiem medium doses - low given excellent results.Phipprmeljia - Sndriom, symptoms of Women, which describes the gathering symptoms without a clear explanation of the process taking place. Even today do not know what are the reasons for the emergence of the disease.Symptoms:
Constantly tired throughout the day stems from an uncomfortable sleep because of pain, stiffness arteries significantly by the morning, and as a result of changing the air and after strenuous physical activity.
Pain is very general and hard to point to a specific place, but sometimes the pain attributed to arthritis, although the disease is not the joints.
In physical examination there are several distinct points in the back and upper neck causing pressure to cause pain. All blood tests include blood and deposition rates of the different antibiotics are intact.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Fibromyalgia Points

Joint Dysfunctions Synchronizers

1. Hand: On posterior aspect of 1st
metacarpal-phalangeal joint.
2. Hips: Posterior aspect of the femoral head,
at the superior third of the femoral head,
on the epiphyseal line.
3. Ear: Top of ear, on firbo-cartilagenous ear,
most superior aspect
4. Upper Arm: One inch superior from the
insertion of the Deltoid muscle into
5. Back of Neck: Three inches caudal to the
foramen magnum and one inch lateral
from that point.
6. Belly Button: One inch lateral to the
umbilicus and two inches caudal / inferior.
7. Arm Pit: On lung middle axilla - 3rd rib,
bilateral; middle arm pit access. Connect to
8. Thigh: Anterior thigh, one inch medial from
mid-line, three inches inferior from
inguinal ligament

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Diagnosis and Treatment

· Diagnosis of joint pain is based on physical examination (see “Diagnostic Criteria”), X-ray, MRI,
examination of synovial effusion, and blood tests.
· X-rays can document deformation, loss of cartilage, rupture of ligaments, etc.
· MRI scans can document synovial hyperplasia, bone marrow edema, and other soft-tissue alterations.
· Blood tests are used to check inflammatory markers.
· For treatment of pain, analgesic drugs (usually nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are commonly used.
· Physical therapy, exercise, education, and TENS are effective in arthritic pain conditions.
· Specific treatments include (1) the use of disease-modifying drugs (e.g., neutralization of tumor necrosis
factor alpha) in order to stop the progression of rheumatoid arthritis; and (2) surgical joint replacement.
1. Felson DT. The sources of pain in knee osteoarthritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol 2005;17:624–8.
2. Schaible HG. Basic mechanisms of deep somatic pain. In: McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M, editors. Wall and Melzack’s
textbook of pain, 5th ed. Elsevier: Churchill Livingstone; 2006. p. 621–33.
3. Schaible HG, Grubb BD. Afferent and spinal mechanisms of joint pain. Pain 1993;55:5–54.
4. Scott DL. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In: Wall and Melzack’s textbook of pain, 5th ed. Elsevier: Churchill
Livingstone; 2006. p. 653–67.

Diagnostic Criteria

· An injured or inflamed joint hurts upon application of light or moderate local pressure (palpation), and
strong pressure may evoke severe pain.
© 2009 International Association for the Study of Pain®
· During joint disease, pain can be evoked by passive movements in the working range of motion or by
stretching the joint, and the range of motion may be limited.
· An inflamed joint may be swollen, warm, and red.
· Chronic joint disease be may characterized by deformation of the joint and/or bony enlargement.
· Joint pain may be accompanied by a reduction of the range of motion or by movements beyond the
normal range (e.g., after rupture of ligaments).

Clinical Features

· Joint pain can be acute (lasting days) or chronic (lasting months or even years).
· Depending on the underlying disease pain is felt only in one joint (e.g., after trauma or during
osteoarthritis) or in several joints (e.g., during rheumatoid polyarthritis).
· Pain is usually localized to the afflicted joint or joints, but it can also be referred (e.g., hip OA may cause
knee pain).
· Joint pain is often dull and aching and thus different from cutaneous pain, which is sharp and more
precisely localized.
· The pain usually appears as hyperalgesia (or allodynia): in a normal joint only movements against the
resistance of the tissue cause pain, whereas pain occurs in an injured or inflamed joint during movements
within the normal working range.
· Pain in the joint often leads to physical impairment, limping, restriction of movement, and loss of force.
· Joint pain is usually worsened by use (weight-bearing or movement) and relieved at rest, but it may also
be constant.
· A particular quality of osteoarthritic pain is resting pain at night.
· Pain can be associated with other symptoms such as stiffness, instability, or warmth.


In joint diseases, pain most commonly occurs during exercise or even during normal daily activities (see “Clinical
Features” below). This heightened pain sensitivity is attributed to:
· Peripheral sensitization: enhancement of the sensitivity of joint nociceptors to mechanical stimuli applied
to the joint. It is induced by inflammatory mediators such as bradykinin, prostaglandins, and cytokines.
· Central sensitization: enhancement of the sensitivity of nociceptive neurons with joint input in spinal cord
and brain areas to mechanical stimuli applied to the joint. It is induced by the input from sensitized joint
nociceptors and furthered by central amplification mechanisms.

Epidemiology and Economics

· Osteoarthritis (OA): By the age of 65 years, >90% of the population have at least one joint with OA. With
increasing age, more joints develop OA. However, early stages of OA may be free of pain.
· The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis is ~1%.
· The incidence of gout is ~1%.